Addressing Reason 2: “It is just too pricey for me!”

cost price cliftonstrengths profiling tool


In my previous article, I highlighted 6 potential reasons why people find it difficult to implement CliftonStrengths in their workplace: 

  1. Alternative tools
  2. Price
  3. Ease of understanding
  4. Level of accuracy
  5. Effectiveness of tool
  6. Commitment 

This list is not exhaustive, but it aims to capture the primary and most common reasons why people may question the necessity of CliftonStrengths. 

In this short article, I’ll address the second reason – Price.

You may also choose to revisit the main article before this, or click on any of the other 5 reasons that speak to you. 

Addressing Price

Why pay SGD90 for a CliftonStrengths Full34 profile when I can do other free profiling assessments elsewhere? 

Before we seek to answer this, we need to take a step back and ask a fundamental economics question: 

“Is there such a thing as a product that is too expensive?”

Oftentimes when we purchase an item, we look at the perceived value rather than the actual cost.

Take for example the sales of the iPhone. Every year, tens and thousands of tech fanatics wait in line to be the first few to buy the latest iPhone and they are willing to pay more than SGD1200 for it (instead of a phone of a lesser-known brand but with similar specifications). This is because of the perceived value that the iPhone can bring. Think along the lines of lifestyle, social status, design of the hardware or reliability of the software. Meaning to say that sometimes, we need not consider if a thing is “too expensive” but rather “is it valuable” or “worth buying”?

With this distinction, let us explore the ROI (Return On Investments) of using CliftonStrengths. Through feedback from many users, both local and globally, many found the tool valuable and worth it. According to Gallup’s data, employees who learnt about their strengths become 7.8% more productive, and teams that focus on strengths every day have 12.5% greater productivity!

Furthermore, from workshop feedback from our clients (schools, ministries and corporate organisations), more than 90% of our learners found that they have gained useful knowledge and insights about themselves and learned many practical action items that they could immediately apply after the workshop, be it at home or at work! Even more so, middle managers often tell us that we should administer and conduct the same CliftonStrengths workshop for their entire workplace, and wouldn’t mind the cost at all!

All in all, until and unless you experience what the CliftonStrengths assessment, reports and workshops could offer, you truly would not know how valuable it can be!