StrengthsFinder Coaching: Harnessing Power of Unique Profiles

No Ordinary Organisation  

I walked into a busy healthcare facility in the heartland of Singapore. The security guard initiated surprising hospitality-like eye contact and asked me what I needed (not part of his security job!). I said “I have a meeting with Dr. X” (certainly not your usual visitor request in a healthcare facility).

Surprisingly, he walked me personally to the door of Dr. X, checked for his presence in the room, before allowing me to contact Dr. X on my mobile.

During the 10min waiting time before I met Dr. X, two other staff approached

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#CoachHG Collection 10: Conflict Resolution (Introduction) – StrengthsFinder Singapore

My meeting with Jim Clifton, the Chairman & CEO of Gallup For this new series, I would like to focus on ‘Conflict Resolution through a CliftonStrengths lens’. During my last meeting with Jim Clifton, the Chairman & CEO of Gallup, our conversation evolved around 2 core issues:

  1. It is more than Strengths Movement, it is about ‘everybody needs a coach’
  2. Almost every executive coaching eventually evolves around ‘people/relational issues’

With more than 17 million people who have completed their CliftonStrengths profiling, there are certain pairs of talent themes that seldom appear in their Top 5 together; 1% or lower

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#CoachHG Collection 9: CliftonStrengths Findings In Gender (Competition)

From my previous article, I mentioned that from the database of more than 11 million people, there are 5 talent themes with highest differentiation between men and women.

  • Women far exceed men in having Empathy and Developer in their Signature themes – a powerful combination for nurturing others.
  • The number of men with AnalyticalIdeation and Competition in their Signature themes far exceeds the number of women with these themes in their Signature themes.
  • Men (16.3%) far exceed women (6.5%) in having Competition in their Signature themes.

In this article, I shall focus on the 4 factors to develop the Competition talent theme. Factor 1: Awareness of “I want to win” drive

Your …

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#CoachHG Collection 8: CliftonStrengths Findings In Gender (Ideation)

From my previous article, I mentioned that from the database of more than 11 million people, there are 5 talent themes with highest differentiation between men and women.

  • Women far exceed men in having Empathy and Developer in their Signature themes – a powerful combination for nurturing others.
  • The number of men with AnalyticalIdeation and Competition in their Signature themes far exceeds the number of women with these themes in their Signature themes.
  • Men (18.1%) far exceed women (9.7%) in having Ideation in their Signature themes.

In this article, I shall focus on Ideation talent theme.  People exceptionally talented in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly

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#CoachHG Collection 7: CliftonStrengths Findings In Gender (Analytical)

From my previous article, I mentioned that from the database of more than 11 million people, there are 5 talent themes with highest differentiation between men and women.

  • Women far exceed men in having Empathy and Developer in their Signature themes – a powerful combination for nurturing others.

Over the next few articles, I shall focus on Analytical, Ideation and Competition talent themes.

  • The number of men with AnalyticalIdeation and Competition in their Signature themes far exceeds the number of women with these themes in their Signature themes.
  • Men (21.1%) far exceed women (11.2%) in having Analytical in their Signature themes.

Below are 5 contributions of people with Analytical talents; one

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Your Unique Talents – Keys to Power, Purpose & Passion in your Career

(An article I am writing for a dear friend’s mission to value-add to the gig economy. And for everyone out there who is on the journey to discover your unique personal branding & contribution)

Key Questions for the Independent Talent

  • Q1: Why should customers & clients choose us?
  • Q2: What sets our service apart from the rest of the market?

These are key questions that face the successful Independent Talent (IT) everyday. The answer involves identifying how one can “uniquely value-add” to customers & clients, then elevating the service to become a “compelling draw” for clients.

Operating with Talent


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#CoachHG Collection 6: CliftonStrengths Findings In Gender (Developer)

In my previous article, I mentioned that from the database of more than 11 million people, there are 5 talent themes with the highest differentiation between men and women.

Women (21.1%) far exceed men (11.2%) in having Developer in their Signature themes.

As I’ve stated previously, it is important we do not stereotype that “only women are nurturing”.In today’s article, I’ve therefore chosen this video (on the left) of a man who exhibits the Developer talent theme. In this video, you will see that he:

  1. Gives in order to nurture
  2. Encourages in order to build others’ confidence
  3. Helps in order to see incremental growth
  4. Cultivates in

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#CoachHG Collection 5: CliftonStrengths Findings In Gender (Empathy)

From my previous article, I mentioned that from the database of more than 11 million people, there are 5 talent themes with highest differentiation between men and women.

  • Women (25.8%) far exceed men (12.0%) in having Empathy in their Signature themes.

Below are 9 contributions of people with Empathy talents.

1. They make others feel valued. People with strong Empathy talent can sense the emotions of those around them. This enables them to make others feel valued (“You really understand and value me!”).2. They take time to understand and accept others. They can feel what others are feeling as though the emotions were

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#CoachHG Collection 4: CliftonStrengths Findings In Gender (Introduction)

Last night, I was at a small group gathering and the ice-breaker prompt given was “The husband is the Head (of the household) and the wife is the neck”. Who makes what decisions in our families? The first few couples shared typical viewpoints like, “Being a husband, I am the disciplinarian and my wife is the more caring type…” or “I help to nurture the children but my husband is the more logical type”. When it came to the last couple to share, they were the total opposite: My wife is great with figures (numbers) and I am super friendly with children!

This …

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#CoachHG Collection 3: "Harmony"

The BEAUTY of Harmony talent theme


A person with Harmony talent feels unease with tension & conflict because he believes that tension is unnecessary & not helpful. This motivation of seeking consensus & agreement empowers him to look for common ground to mediate & reduce conflict. Often, those in conflict are absolutely blind as to how to resolve their conflict because their differences seem insurmountable. But the person with Harmony talent can spot the platform of consensus to bridge the gap of differences. He is indeed the glue that holds relationships together, and gets along with people to

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