Strengths-Based Approach to Cyber Wellness

In 2015, five 15-year old students experienced StrengthsTransform™ Personal Mastery programme for 4 sessions. They completed their StrengthsFinder profile, explored how their talent themes showed up in what they do on the Internet and explored ways to diversify for cyber-wellness. During the 1st ASEAN Strengths Education Summit (2016), the candidates were profiled for how the programme has transformed their lives.


The five youths would have been classified as Problematic or Pathological Internet Users using existing instruments based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V). They were spending 6 to 10 hours on the Internet every

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4 Ways Strengths-based Parenting Transforms Your Family


  • Reverend William is an ordained pastor who experienced the impact of StrengthsTransform™ Parenting for his entire family – Husband, wife &  two teenage daughters
  • Peter & Yvonne uses StrengthsFinder & StrengthsExplorer to lead their family of five (Teenagers aged 15, 13 & child aged 7)

Through a series of workshops, profiling, individual & group coaching sessions, the families accomplished the following:

1. Parents applying their best talents in parenting

Strengths-Based parenting starts with the leaders of the family. When parents understand their talent themes and what makes them tick & excel, they begin to bring their A-game

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Why StrengthsFinder?

Strengths discovery is an exciting journey for most people who take the Clifton StrengthsFinder – Genuine surprise with the accuracy of the report; awed by the detail to which it describes one’s inner thoughts and feelings, and the almost unerring prediction of one’s behavior.

For the few with the opportunity to have a Strengths Coach unpack the report, the wonder is usually multiplied as one senses the impact this realization can have on their lives. Surely this must be THE best profiling tool ever. Yet for probably 95% of people who take the instrument, the enthusiasm is likely to gradually wane by

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Gallup Strengths Exploration

The following playlist includes short descriptions of every one of the 34 StrengthsFinder themes. Enjoy!

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Theme Thursday Playlist

Gallup Theme Thursdays contain some of the most insightful peeks into human behaviour & talents! Come dive in and learn from the very best!

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Called to Coach